
The Department of Anaesthesiology at BLHRC Hospital is an integral part of the hospital. The unit is equipped with latest technology devices for patient care, which includes modern anaesthesia machines, gadgets for managing a difficult airway, vital parameter monitors, ventilators, transesophageal echocardiography machines amongst many others. All clinical departments are anchored to this speciality. The strength of the department lies in its strong team comprising of efficient and experienced anesthesiologists and paramedical staff.

Drugs that cause anaesthesia work by blocking the signals that pass along Patient nerves to the Patient brain. When the drugs wear off, Patient starts to feel normal sensations again, including pain.

Some types of anesthesia

  • Local anesthesia: A local anesthetic numbs a small part of Patient’s body. It is used when the nerves can easily be reached by drops, sprays, ointments or injections. The patient stays conscious but free from pain.
  • Regional anesthesia: Regional anesthesia can be used for operations on larger or deeper parts of the body. Local anaesthetic drugs are injected near to the bundles of nerves which carry signals from that area of the body to the brain. The most common regional anaesthetics (also known as regional ‘blocks’) are spinal and epidural anaesthetics. These can be used for operations on the lower body such as caesarian sections, bladder operations or replacing a hip joint. The patient stays conscious but free from pain.
  • General anaesthesia: General anaesthesia is a state of controlled unconsciousness during which Patient feel nothing and may be described as ‘anaesthetised’. This is essential for some operations and may be used as an alternative to regional anaesthesia for others. Anaesthetic drugs injected into a vein, or anaesthetic gases breathed into the lungs, are carried to the brain by the blood. They stop the brain recognising messages coming from the nerves in the body.

What is ‘Anaesthesia’?

The word ‘Anaesthesia’ means ‘loss of sensation’. It stops Patient feeling pain and other sensations.

  • It can be given in various ways.
  • Not all anesthesia makes Patient unconscious.
  • It can be directed to different parts of the body.

Anaesthetic unconsciousness is different from unconsciousness due to disease or injury and is different from sleep. As the anaesthetic drugs wear off, Patient’s consciousness starts to return.


Name: Dr. Garima Pal


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Name: Dr. Adil Ahmad

Department: Critical Care Specialist

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Name: Dr. Uma Purohit

Department: Consultant Anhesthetist

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