This centre is a major referral centre for the management of Brachial Plexus Injury, Birth palsy (Erb’s palsy) and other Peripheral Nerve Injuries. A large number of patients from all over the country report to this centre for the successful treatment of paralysed limbs. The department is equipped with State- of an art plastic surgery unit for the management of nerve injuries. The department is also conducting reconstructive procedures with good outcomes.
- Tendon Surgery
- Hand injuries
- Birth hand deformity
- Microvascular surgery
- Hypospadias surgery
- Burn treatment
- Maxillofacial injuries
- Aesthetic & Cosmetic Surgery – Scar Removal, Mole excision, Tattoo Removal, Facial Plastic Surgery, Breast Reduction, Breast Augmentation, Gynaecomastia, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Ear Repair, Chemical peeling, treatment of white patches, Hair transplant.
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